Telegram on Apple Watch

Telegram for iOS reaches version 3.0 today, packed with the Bot Platform, dedicated sticker tabs and our first take on Apple Watch support.

Finally! Telegram 3.0 arrived with full Apple Watch support. You can view your recent chats and reply to messages with stickers, locations, emoji, preset phrases or dictated text. You can also view user and group profiles, start new chats, and even block users.

Chats on your Apple Watch will show all the content available on Telegram: photos, stickers, locations, documents and videos. For those cases when the watch can‘t handle something, we’ve added a shortcut to easily open any message on your Phone.

We've made sure that Telegram on Apple Watch does as much as the platform can support right now — and that it does more than any other messaging app out there.

The Telegram Team,
June 24, 2015

أخبار أخرى

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