Colorful Calls, Thanos Snap Effect, and an Epic Update for Bots

Colorful Calls, Thanos Snap Effect, and an Epic Update for Bots

Telegram's 10th update of 2023 adds improved calls with a colorful new design that use less of your phone's battery, a new vaporize effect when you delete messages, the largest bot update in Telegram's history – and more.

Upgraded Calls

Telegram calls let users talk, turn on their camera or share their screen — they are protected by end-to-end encryption and available on every platform.

In this update, we have totally redesigned calls, adding new animations and beautiful backgrounds that change dynamically based on the call's status: ringing, active or ended. The new interface requires fewer resources than before, which means it saves battery life and works better on older devices.

We've also fixed hundreds of bugs and interface glitches – and added some improvements to call quality. More improvements to connection and audio quality are coming in 2024.

Thanos Snap Effect when Deleting Messages

Last month we added an experimental vaporize animation on iOS for auto-deleted messages.

This impressive (and energy-efficient) animation is now available on both iOS and Android and plays whenever you delete any message.

Epic Bot Update: Reactions and Much More

Telegram's free bot platform lets developers integrate any kind of service into the Telegram ecosystem – from simple chat bots to powerful mini apps that can replace any website.

We're closing this year with the largest update to the Bot Platform in Telegram's history. Among dozens of new features, bots can now react to messages and manage reactions, quotes, and links, send replies to other chats or topics, and much more.

With the new update, bots can also get information about giveaways and boosts in channels where they are admins.

Developers can find all the changes to the Bot Platform in this epic changelog.

If you're interested in building bots and mini apps, check out our Bot Guide, where you can find extra info and even a step-by-step tutorial for beginners.

This update includes more new features, but we will tell you about them in January. In the meantime, call your friends to congratulate them – or make a bot to do it for you. See you very soon, next year!

December 31, 2023
The Telegram Team

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