Growing Telegram Together

While we are busy adding features and scaling the service, a lot of you are spreading the word about Telegram. As a result, we're sending over 1 billion messages daily and are seeing solid growth all over the world.

This growth is entirely your achievement, since we haven't spent a single cent on advertising. Thank you — and keep it up! We've measured user activity since June last year to show you a few encouraging graphs.

Here‘s what you’ve done: since June 2014 Telegram messages sent daily in the USA increased 8 times, the UK grew 5 times, Italy increased sixfold. Similar graphs can be drawn for more than 30 countries, from India to Turkey, from Malaysia to Chile.

As for Brazil – the beautiful graph below is already out of date. 4,5 million Brazilians signed up for Telegram today and the day before. They will send on the order of 700 million messages today.

If any of your friends are not on board yet, bring them along — so that they're not the last ones to join the party.

February 27, 2015
The Telegram Team

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