Sharing Revenue with Channel Owners

Sharing Revenue with Channel Owners

Today, we're introducing one of the most generous reward systems in the history of social media. Telegram channel owners can now receive 50% of the revenue from ads displayed in their channels.

Rewards for Creators

Telegram users generate over 1 trillion views in channels every month. Starting today, owners of public channels with at least 1000 subscribers can be rewarded with 50% of the revenue from ads displayed in their channels.

Monetization stats of a channel

Channel owners can withdraw their rewards with no fees – or reinvest them into Telegram ads, collectible usernames or Premium giveaways.

Go to Channel Settings > Statistics > Monetization to see your channel's monetization stats. Withdrawals for channel owners will be via Fragment. You can find the full terms and conditions here.

TON-based Ads

To make this possible, we're introducing a new type of ads, which users can purchase with Toncoins – a cryptocurrency powered by the TON Blockchain.

We chose the TON Blockchain because it has low fees, high transaction speeds – and holds a record for the number of transactions it can process per second.

Anyone can now promote their bot or channel – with budgets as low as a handful of Toncoins. When creating a Telegram ad, you choose the exact channels where you'd like it to appear, so you have full control over their context.

Creating a TON-based ad

To get started, simply log in on the Telegram Ad Platform.

Why Telegram Ads Are Special

Telegram ads are very different from ads on other apps. They are shown only in large public channels. They never appear in your chats, chat list or other interfaces.

Telegram ads are not based on user data. They depend only on the channel in which you see them – and they directly benefit channel owners.

Telegram ad in a large channel

We understand that not everyone likes ads, even if they support content creators. Luckily, on Telegram anyone can turn off ads by subscribing to Telegram Premium – and get dozens of exclusive features, including new Telegram Business features.

March 31, 2024,
The Telegram Team

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